Monday, December 20, 2010

Drama 10 Rehearsed for performances on Wednesday.

Hist 10 Notes on the Unification of Germany. Reviewed for test tomorrow.

Ce 20 Potluck and gift exchange.

Soc 7 Handout and discussion on humans impacting the environment.

Friday, December 17, 2010

ELA 20 Completed To Kill a Mockingbird.

Soc 9 Notes, discussion and handout on the Fall of the Roman Empire.

Soc 8 Notes, discussion and handout on Government in Canada.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Notes on the Unification of Italy. H.W Readings and questions on the Unification of Italy.

Drama 10 Rehearsed scripts.

Soc 7 Discussion on water usage. Notes on exports. Home-work activity due for Monday.

ELA 20 Read Chapters 28 and 30. Do questions.

Soc 8-I Went through various types of government. Handout on Consensus. Writing assignment on best form of government due on Wednesday.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Notes on the positive and negative aspects of Louis Napoleon. H.W Read p. 120-124. Do the section review.

CE 20 Worked on Photo Essay.

Soc 8 Read and discussed handout on Consensus decision making. Assignment on the best form of government and how it impacts its citizens is due on Friday.

Soc 9 Map work.

Health 7 Presented their poems/raps on the brain.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Drama 10 Worked on scripts for The Gift.

Soc 7 Notes, readings and discussion on exports. H.W. Do questions on p. 23 that pertain to water. Read p. 24 - 27.

Soc 8 Wrote quizzes. Assigned new articles.

ELA 11-C Read chapters 27 and 28. H.W All questions need to be completed to date.

ELA 11-K Read chapter 24. H.W Readings and questions to Chapter 27.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hist 10 Notes on France's road to democracy. H.W Readings on Louis Napoleon. Take note of the positive and negative aspects of his rule.

CE 20 Worked on photo essays.

Soc 9 Notes and discussion on Christianity and the Roman Empire. Readings and notes to do on the Fall of the Roman Empire.

ELA 11-C Discussion on assigned questions. Read Chapter 24. H.W read Chapter 25-27.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

ELA 20 Pop Quiz on court case. Read Chapter 20 and 21. H.W Questions and readings up till Chapter 22 and 23.

Soc 9 Notes and discussion on Roman Influences. Readings and questions assigned on Christianity.

Soc 8-I Discussed the impact of the Indian Act. Started going over types of government.

Soc 8-M Reading and home-work class due to Reconciliation Service and absents.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hist 10 Notes on conflicting ideologies in Europe. Notes on the growth of Democracy in Britain. H.W. Read p. 101-103. Take note of the political and social changes.

Drama 10 Sound orchestra. Exercise on emotions. Script writing: The Gift.

Soc 7 Notes and discussion on the History of Trade in Canada. Notes and discussion on the difference between sharing, bartering and trading. H.W. Read pages 18-21.

ELA 11-K Read chapter 17. H.W Read to Chapter 19 and do questions.

Soc 8-I Went over highlights of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as the Indian Act.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Drama 10 Final group presented their nightmare. Worked on sound orchestra.

Soc 7 Quiz on Asia. Completed categorizing countries and continents.

Soc 8 Handed in maps. Corrected articles.

ELA 11-C Went over questions on Chapter 14-16. H.W Rd. Chapter 17-19 and do questions.

ELA 11-K Went over questions on Chapter 11-13. Read Chapter 14 in class. H.W Read Chapter 15 and 16. Do questions up to Chapter 16.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Hist 10 Went over how to do citations.

CE 20 Went over notes on Vatican II. Assigned photo essay which is due on Dec. 21.

Soc 9 Notes, reading and discussion on the Roman cilivization. H.W Read p 67 in text. Rd. p 118-123 in handout. Do Section Review on p. 123 of handout.

ELA 11-C Notes and discussion on Chapters 11-13. Rd. Chapter 14. H.W Read and do questions up to Chapter 16.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Drama 10 Performed their nightmare scenes.

Hist 10 Finished watching Avatar. Worked on essays(due Dec. 16) and Imperialism assignments (due tomorrow).

CE 20 Returned Council test. Class given to work on test corrections and notes on Vatican II. Both are due tomorrow.

Soc 7 Continued with notes and readings on trade.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

ELA 20 Boo Radley perspectives due. Notes and discussion on Symbolism. In groups they read Chapter 11. H.W Read Chapter 12 and 13. Do the questions.

Soc 9 Work class to work on Greek Wars.

Soc 8-I Quiz on Canadian Citizenship. Notes and discussion on Rights and Responsibilities. Handout on Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. H.W Choose two rights and explain why they are important to you.

Soc 8-M Discussed previous day's home-work. Handout on the Indian Act. How does the Indian Act contradict the Charter of Rights?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hist 10 Continued watching Avatar. Returned Industrial Revolution tests. Corrections need to be done for Thursday. Remember to read about Imperialism in your text and to continue to do research for your essay. Research should be completed by Friday.

Drama 10 Worked on nightmare scene.

Soc 7 Notes and discussion on resource distribution and management. Handout given on Trade. Read page 8. H.W. Page 9 #1 and 2.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hist 10 Continued watching Avatar.

CE 20 Test on Councils.

Soc 8-M Quiz on History of Citizenship. Notes and discussion Rights and Responsibilites. Handout on Charter of Canadian Rights and Responsibilites. Choose two rights that you would not be able to live without.

Soc 9 Corrected Current Event articles.

Health 7 Went over the Heart and Circulatory system.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Drama 10 Working on nightmare scenes.

Soc 7 Checked map of Asia--quiz next Day 5. New assignment: Categorizing countries and continents--Not for home-work.

Soc 8 Assigned maps.

ELA 20 Notes on conflict. Read chapters 9 and 10. Do questions for home-work.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hist 10 Imperialism assignment handed out. Due Dec. 3

CE 20 Reviewed for test on Monday.

Soc 9 Went over home-work. Assigned war assignment. Due Dec. 3

ELA 11-C Pop quiz. Brief notes on perspective. Boo Radley perspective assignment given. Rough draft due tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Drama 10 Completed monologues

Hist 10 Test on Industrial Revolution.

CE 20 Birthday Celebration

Soc 7 Resource activity

Hist 10 Worked on essays

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ELA 11-K Notes on perspective. Boo Radley writing assignment assigned. Rough copy due next ELA class.

ELA 11-C Miss Maudie's characterizations were due. Read Chapters 6 and 7. H.W. Read Chapter 8 and do questions for Chapters 6-8.

Soc 9 Greek Influences. Notes and handouts given. Questions in text need to be done.

Soc 8 Handout on "History of Canadian Citizenship." Quiz next Social class.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Notes on the impact of Industrialization. Test on Wednesday and essay topic must be chosen. Also bring in resources.

Drama 10 Presented monologues.

Soc 7 Africa quiz. Introduction on Unit II: Resources. Handout on Classification of resources for H.W.

ELA 20 Handed in characterization of Miss Maudie. Read Chapters 6 and 7. H.W read Chapter 8 and do questions for Chapters 6-8.

Soc 8-I Quiz on articles. New articles assigned.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Discussion and notes on Sect III. H.W Reading and questions on Section IV.

CE 20 Notes on Vatican I

Soc 8-M Definitions of citizenship and questionnaire on citizenship.

Soc 9 Worked on their maps.

Health 7 Quiz on Skin, hair and muscles. Reading and questions assigned on the Heart and Circulatory System.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Drama 10 Rehearsed monologues that are due on Monday.

Soc 7 and 8-I Mass Celebration

ELA 20 POP quiz. Discussed the characteristics of children that are presented through the characters. Worked on characterization with Miss Maudie. Miss Maudie's character sketch is due next ELA class.

Soc 8-M Quiz on current events. Assigned new articles.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Discussed answers for "The Rise of Modern Industry." Assigned reading for Sect III and questions for home-work.

CE 20 Went over the Protestant Reformation (chart) and the Council of Trent (p. 208).

Soc 9 Went over handout questions on the Aztecs. Notes and reading on the Greek civilization.

ELA 20 Notes and discussion on Scout's first day of school and Atticus. Read Chapter 4. H.W. Red Chapter 5 and do questions on both chapters.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Drama 10 Journalled on character appearance and rehearsed monologues.

Soc 7 Returned and went over Unit test. Test must be signed by a parent.

Hist 10 Current Events. Reviewed how the Agricultural Revolution led to the Industrial Revolution. Notes on why Britain led the Industrial rev. H.W Read and do questions on Sect III.

CE 20 Notes on causes of the Protestant Reformation. H.W For each of the following religions (Anglican, Lutheran and Calvinist) state the founder, country it was founded it, the main opposition to the Church and the main teaching.

Hist 10 Assigned essays that are due Thursday Dec 16.

Monday, November 15, 2010

ELA 11-K Notes and discussion on Scout's first day of school and the character of Atticus. H.W Read chapter 4 and 5. Do questions.

ELA 11-C Started To Kill A Mockingbird. Handout given. Read Chapters 1-3 do questions.

Soc 9 Discussion on the Impact of the Natural Environment on the Development of a Society. Handout on the Aztec civilization. Questions assigned.

Soc 8-I Began Unit on Citizenship. Notes given. Handout/Questionnaire discussed.

Soc 8-M Notes and discussion on the influence of American pop culture on the Canadian identity.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Notes on evolution of industry. Notes on requirements for an industrial society. H.W Read and answer "Why Britain led the Industrial Revolution."

Drama 10 Worked on paraphrasing their monologues. Students must be off book by next class.

Soc 7 Test

ELA 20 Read chapter one of To Kill a Mockingbird. H.W. read and do questions for Chapters 1 - 3.

Soc 8-I Notes and discussion on the media and how American pop culture influences the Canadian identity.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Hist 10 Continued viewing The Scarlet Pimpernel.

CE 20 Worked on creeds.

Soc 9 Completed presentations.

ELA 11-C Went over definitions and figures of speech. Assigned persuasive paragraphs. Due Monday Nov. 15.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Drama 10 Warm ups. 35 second speeches. Continued to read monologues.

Hist 10 Viewed The Scarlett Pimpernel

CE 20 Finished looking at the Nicene Creed. Looked at examples of creeds. Students are to write and present their own creeds.

Soc 7 Worked on the review for Location. Test on Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

ELA 11-K In groups and as a class discussed the themes, images, etc of "Luka" and "Papa's Waltz."

ELA 11-C Read and discussed the "Cry of the Children." Students have to define and find examples of figures of speech.

Soc 8-I and 8-M Went through the impact of historical events on the Canadian identity.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hist 10 Test on the French Revolution.

Drama 10 30 second speeches and started reading monologues.

Soc 7 Went over questions on the impact of humans and the environment. Review sheet for Location handed out. Students will be given a class to review for their test on Wednesday Nov. 10.

ELA 11-K Went over figures of speech for "The Cry of the Children." Gave persuasive paragraph assignment. Due Mon. Nov 15.

Soc 8-I Completed presentations on the Impact of Historical Events on the Canadian Identity

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hist 10 All Saints Day Celebration. Test tomorrow on The French Revolution.

CE 20 Notes and discussion to wrap up section on Martyrs. Notes and handouts on the Council of Nicea.

Soc 8-M Students worked on a worksheet connecting Canadian Historical effects with their impact.

Soc 9 Corrected current events articles.

Health 7 Notes and discussion on muscles and skin.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Drama 10 Journals were due!!!

Soc 7 Reviewed violent topographic changes. Notes on agents of erosion. Discussion and questions on the impact of individuals and the environment. Questions are due for home-work.

CE 20 Started martyr presentations.

Hist 10 Read and did notes on the rise of Napoleon. H.W: Read final section of chapter and do the following questions:
1. At the height of Napoleon's power, how big was his empire?
2. What impact did Napoleon's rule have on Europe?
3. How did the Continental System weaken Napoleon?
4. How did Nationalism weaken Napoleon?
5. What military failure weakened Napoleon?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

ELA 11-K Read and discussed "Childhood Through the Ages." Students started journaling when would be the best decade to be a child.

ELA 11-C Went over questions #3 and #4 for "How to do Battle With Grownups." Looked at the definition of a maxim. Students thought of their own maxims to pass down. Read "Credo" by Robert Fulgham. Students have to choose a maxim, explain what it means and then support why they agree or disagree with the maxim.

Soc 9 Presentations on the impact of a worldview.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Started reading about the rise of Napolean. H.W. Read section 4 and take notes.

Drama 10 Assigned critique for Mamma Mia. H.W Journals are due on Wednesday.

Soc 7 Went over hand out on map projections. Notes on Topographical Changes. H.W Read till the end of the handout and make notes on four agents of erosion.

ELA 20 Went over questions on "How to do Battle with Grownups."
Notes and discussion on Maxims. Read Robert Fulghum's "Credo".

Soc 8-I Present project on the impact of historical events on the Canadian identity.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Drama 10 Warm ups. Line dialogues and skits.

Soc 7 Quiz on Europe. Assigned maps of Africa. Maps are due next Day 5.

Soc 8-I and 8-M Worked on maps of South America. Due next Day 5.

ElA 20 Work class on children's story that is due on Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Reviewed previous day's lesson. Gave class time to work on The Revolution Deepens--Read and do questions.

CE 20 Worked on their martyr projects.

Soc 9 Present worldview projects.

ELA 11-C Read and discussed, "How to do Battle with Grownups." Assigned questions:
1. Do children sometimes behave this way?
2. What is the author's attitude towards the subject matter?
3. What are the four main points of the essay?
4. Describe the allusion in the essay?

Reminder: Fairytale analysis is due first thing tomorrow morning.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Notes and discussion on causes of the French Revolution. H.W Read section 2 and answer questions.

Drama 10 Tableaus based around an object.

Soc 7 Corrected handout on climate zones. Notes on purposes of maps. Worksheet assigned, "Map Interpretation Skills." To be completed for home-work.

ELA 20 Worked on fairy tale analysis.

Soc 8-I Worked on Historical events/Canadian identity projects.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Notes and discussion to introduce the French Revolution. Readings and questions assigned in the text.

CE 20 Rehearsed Variety Night Act then we started on the Age of Martyrs.

Soc 8-M Reviewed different perceptions of the land and the First Nation versus the European perception of the land. Notes on Treaties. Watched the documentary "As Long as the Sun Shines." and answered questions in a handout.

Soc 9 Assigned articles and questions for next Day 6.

Health 7 Quiz on the skeleton. Notes, readings and discussion on the muscles.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hist 10 Test on American Revolution. Readings on French Revolution

CE 20 Notes, discussion and readings on The Council of Jerusalem.

Soc 9 Work class for Worldviews project.

ELA 20 11-C Read "Once Upon a Time" three questions to answer. Handout to complete on a quote from David Suzuki.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Drama 10 Continued work on tableaus

Hist 10 Current Events. Notes on The American Victory and the Impact of the Revolution.

CE 20 Notes and discussion on the Early Challenges of the Church.

Soc 7 Reviewed precipitation and introduced Climate regions. H.W. Worksheet on world climates.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

ELA 11-K Handout on Suzuki's quote followed by discussion. Brainstormed on what we read as children and fairytales. Assigned the essay "Once Upon A Time". Questions to be answered for Wednesday.

ELA 11-C Went over questions and activities on "Charles." Worked on Children's Story.

Soc 9 Notes and discussion on worldviews. Assigned Worldview project that is due October 26th.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Drama 10 Continued presenting ten part solos.

Social 7 Wrote quiz on World and North America maps. Checked maps of South America. Assigned maps of Europe. Maps of Europe are not for home-work. Quiz on the maps of South America is next Day 5.

Soc 8 Test on articles. Students worked on political cartoons. Due for the next Day 5. Returned maps and calendar assignements.

ELA 20 Handed out short story "Charles". Questions and activity was assigned. We will go over the material next English class.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Drama 10 Started to present their ten part solos.

Hist 10 Current Events. Reviewed for test.

CE 20 Worked on Variety Night number.

Soc 7 Went over previous days work and home-work on temperature. Notes and handouts on precipation were covered today.

Hist 10 Test on English Civil War.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events: Kennedy and Yuki. Notes and discussion on the Acts that made up the constituition. H.W Complete questions on the Limited Constitutional monarch.

CE 20 Went over requirements for Service projects. Notes and discussion on the beginning of the Church. Readings and questions assigned for home-work.

Soc 8M Last class to work on Calendar projects.

Soc 9 Corrected current event articles.

Health 7 Continued working on # 4 and 5 on page 18. H.W. read pages 105-109. Copy down the subsystems on p. 100. Give four everyday names for the medical names of the bones. Explain five facts about the skeleton.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Drama 10 Worked on Ten Part Solos.

Soc 7 Checked maps of North America. Handed out maps of South America. Maps of South America are due on the next Day 5. Also on the next Day 5 is a quiz on the Continent Trivia and Map as well as the map of North America.

Soc 8-I Corrected current event articles. Took in maps of Pakistan. Collected Calendar projects.

ELA 20 Assigned Children's Storybook which is due Tuesday October 26. Students were encouraged to read numerous Children's books for the first week to build ideas.
Wonder and Imagination: Quote given. Journal writing on children and imagination. Read "The Centaur" and "The Key to the Kingdom." Write a comparison of the two. Consider the theme, writing style and your preference in your comparison.

8-M Took in maps of Pakistan. Corrected current event articles.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events: Jorday. Went over questions on The Long Parliament and The English Civil War. Notes given on short term and long term impact of the war. H.W. Handout of Acts need to be completed.

CE 20 Continued presenting Models of the Church. Worked on Variety Night Act.

Soc 9 Notes and discussion on dating methods. Readings and chart given on Sumerian and Dene socieites. Chart needs to be completed, but it is not for home-work.

ELA 20 Handout on Elements of a Short Story. Went through questions on "Grace". Worked on their writing assignment.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Drama 10 Worked on movement to music. Ten part solos due next Thursday.

Hist 10 Current Events: Carolyn, Deanna, Hiroko, Karli. Notes on Monarch's relationship wtih Parliament. H.W. Read pages 17-19. Answer assigned questions.

CE 20 In partners and groups, students worked on their presentation of the Models of the Church and started presenting.

Soc 7 Correct home-work on longitude and latitude. Notes and handout given on Longitude and Time of Day. Questions 1-10 on the back of the handout need to be completed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

ELA 20 11-K Went through elements of a short story. Went through questions on short story "Grace." Worked on writing assignment that is due Oct. 4.

ELA 11-C Shared some of their ideas for their writing assignment. Started reading the short story "Grace." H.W. Finish reading short story and answer assigned questions.

Soc 9 Reviewed material on civilizations, neolithicic age and paleolithic age. Notes and discussion on archaeology. H.W. Read pages 28-32 in text. Take note of two different dating methods and answer #7 on page 30.

8-I Work on Calendars.

8-M Assigned Calendar/Identity project. Due Wednesday September 29.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events: Ina, Quinn and Brianne. Went over Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment test. Started notes on the monarchs relationship with Parliament.

Drama 10 Worked on pantomining with a partner and continued to make a list of characters for the "ten part solo."

Soc 7 Corrected the home-work on longitude and latitude. Assigned two more worksheets to practice longitude and latitude.

ELA 20 Discussion on Childhood memory and the use of RAFTS. Due October 4th. Started reading the short story "Grace". Questions were assigned and are due tomorrow.

8-I Worked on calendar assignment which is due on Friday.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events. Introduced the English Civil War. Readings and questions assigned on monarchs and their relationship with Parliament.

CE 20 Opening Celebration

Soc 8-M Terry Fox Walk

Soc 9 Current Events: map work. Maps are to be handed in on the next Day 6.

Health 7 Notes and discussion on physical, social and mental health.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Drama 10 Continued work on pantomining

Soc 7 Checked world maps and continent trivia. Assigned maps of North America that need to be completed for the next Day 5.

Soc 8-I Worked on maps.

ELA 20 Discussed and took notes on False Security and The Doll's House. Assigned writing activity: Recount a childhood memory using the RAFTS writing strategy. For next class have the memory and the RAFTS done. Handout given on RAFTS.

8-M Worked on maps. Due next Day 5

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hist 10 Test on the Scientificd Revolution and the Enlightenment.

CE 20 Models of the Church. In pairs/groups, research your assigned model and present the idea to the class.

Soc. 9 Brief review of previous day's work. Notes on characteristics of Early Civilizations. Introduction to archaeology.

ELA 11-C Oral exercise. Penny in the Dust: Read the story and discussed questions. H.W. Read the short story "The Doll's House" and the poem "False Security." Answer the following:
1. What characteristics of children and childhood are shown.
2. What common theme about childhood emerges from the pieces of literature?

Monday, September 13, 2010

Drama 10 Worked on pantomining everday actions.
Hist 10 Current Events. Went over home-work and took notes on the Impact of the Enlightenment. Reviewed for test on Wednesday.
CE 20 Started brainstorming on characteristics of the Church.
Soc 7 Notes on major lines of longitude and latitude. Learnt how to find a city's latitude and longitude. Home-work. Worksheet on cities needs to be completed.

Friday, September 10, 2010

11-K Read Penny in the Dust. Answered questions. H.W. Read the short story, "The Doll's House" and the poem "False Security" and answer the following:
1. What characteristics of children and childhood are shown by the two pieces of literature.
2. What is the common theme of the two pieces?

11-C Discussed poem "Home Street." Read and discussed "My Parent's Kept Me." Journaled on what students remember of childhood bullies.

Soc 9 Notes on early societies and how they led to early civilizations. H.W Read handout on Emergence of Civilizations. Answer questions in Section Review.

8-I Assigned Calendar assignment. Due September 24

8-M Completed "Over Canada."

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hist 10 Current Events: Brianne, Ina and Quinn
Notes on forms of government. H.W Read Sections 3, Impact of the Enlightenment. Answer the following:
1. Explain four or five ways that the ideas of the Enlightnment spread.
2. Name three enlightened monarch and describe the reforms that they made.
3, Explain how the ideas of the Enlightenment went beyond government.

Drama 10 Continued work on the activity "What are you doing?'

Social 7 Introductory notes on location and absolute and relative location. Worksheet given to practice working with a grid.

ELA 20 Discussed the poem Home Street. Read and discussed "My Parents Kept Me.' Journaled on what students remember of childhood bullies.

Soc 8-I Continued viewing "Over Canada."

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hist 10 Notes on Scientific Revolution. Went over worksheet on inventors/scientists. H.W Read pages 6-9 in text. Answer the following:
1. Explain what form of government each of the following supported
a. Thomas Hobbes
b. John Locke
c. Montesquieu
d. Voltaire
e. Rousseau

2. What social issues did the philosophes support?

3. What economic issues did the physiocrats support?

C.E. 20 Work class on prayer booklets. Booklets due Thursday.

Soc 8-M Notes on Canadian identity and what influences it. Started watching "Over Canada" to dtermine the connections between the land and identity.

Soc 9 Articles assigned. Due for next Day 6.

Health 7 text books assigned. Introduction on what is Health?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Drama 10 Vocal and Physical warmups.
Sound Orchestra
pre work on "What are you doing?"

Soc 7 World maps and continent trivia assigned. Needs to be completed for Thursday Sept 17

8-I and 8-M Current event articles assigned. Due Thursday Sept 17.

ELA 20 Edited rough copies of childhood poem. Good copy due on Friday. Assigned the poem "Home Street". Questions are due next class.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hist 10 The Scientific Revolution: Notes and discussion to introduce. Handouts given, readings in text (p. 2-5) and worksheet given. Worksheet needs to be completed for Monday.

CE 20 Work class for Prayer booklets that are due next Thursday.

Soc 9 Notes and questions on what is a society. Handouts given out and questions assigned.
Society and Identity
Horrible Hunters
The Stone Ages (questions 1 and 3)
Text: pages 35-38 (questions 1 a and b, 3)

ELA 11-C Handout Recollection of Children. Read the poem "I Remember Back Home." Notes and discussion on students similarities and differences to the poets childhood. Notes on theme.
Assignment: Write a poem that connects with the issue of childhood.
*at least 12 lines long
* must include positive and negative aspects of childhood
* must have a theme
* consider use of imagery, rhythm, etc.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Drama 10 Introduction to course. Physical/Vocal warm ups. Improv.

CE 20 Assigned texts. Went through course outline. Assigned prayer booklets. Due Thursday Sept 9.

Soc 7 Went through course introduction. H.W Handouts and questions given on longitude and latitude. Due Thursday Sept 9

Hist 10. Assigned texts and went through the course outline.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

ELA 11-K Read through handout "Recollections of Childhood"
Read the poem "I Remember Back Home" in duotang. Discussed and noted similarities and differences of students childhood to the poets. Noted themes.
Assignment: Write a poem pertaining to childhood
*at least 12 lines long
* must show the positive and negative aspects of childhood
* must deliver a theme
* consider use of rythm, imagery language usage, etc
Rough copy due on Tuesday.

ELA 11-C Assigned texts and introduced course. Brainstormed on characteristics of childhood. H.W: Create your own personal web of childhood.

Soc 9: Handed out texts and went through course outline.

Soc 8-1 Notes and discussion on Canadian identity. Started viewing "Over Canada."

Soc 8-M Introduced course. H.W Answer the question, "What is a Canadian?" Student must have at least ten responses.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Welcome back everyone!!!

Hist 10 Opening Assembly

Drama 10 Home-room

Social 7 Introductions, assigned atlases, went over course outline. Introduction game: BINGO. H.W. Find out who the President of Russia is.

ELA 11-K Assigned texts, went over course outline. Brainstormed on characteristics of childhood. H.W Students have to create their own web of childhood.

Soc 8-I Went over course outline.

Monday, June 7, 2010

CE 20 Worked on Social Justice projects

7-C Last work class for country projects

8-I Consumer catalogues due. Worked on maps.

Hist 20 Current Events. Test corrections and worked on essays.

ELA 20 Sr. Mary talked about Encounters Canada applications. Went over Act IV questions. Read V i and ii. Assigned questions from Act V. Numbers 1 to 6.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Students are working on end of year assignments and projects. Following are the assignments and the due dates:

7C Country Projects June 10
7P Country Projects June 9
8M Consumer catalogues June 4
8I Consumer Catalogues June 7
ELA 9 Creative Writing Portfolios June 11
Soc 9 Power Point June 17
Hist 20 Essays June 10
CE 20 Social Justice Portfolios June 16

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

8-I Worked on their catalogues

Hist 20 Current Events. Studied for test tomorrow.

ELA 20 Went over Act III questions. Read till the end of Act IV. Questions assigned and due on Monday.

CE 20 Worked on Social Justice Portfolios

7-C Worked on country project

Soc 9 Worked on Power Point

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Looked at proverbs from indigenous cultures. Reminder to make sure that there is a theme/message/lesson to their writing. Worked on their Creative Writing Portfolios.

CE 20 Worked on Social Justice projects

8-M Worked on catalogues

Hist 20 Current Event Quiz . Completed Vietnam war and The Cold War. Handouts and notes given.
Test on Thursday. Essay next Thursday.

Soc 9 Correct articles.

Monday, May 31, 2010

ELA 20 Completed Act III. Read Act IV, i. Home-work: Complete questions for Act III.

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Read The Magic Millstones. Worked on their creative writing portfolios.

8-M Worked on catalogues

7-P Worked on country project.

Hist 20 Went over citations.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Read Irraweka, the Mischief Maker and How Rocks were Born. Worked on their creative writing portfolios.

8-M Worked on Consumer Choices Catalogue.

7-C Worked on Country Project.

8-I Notes on Consumer Choices. Assigned Catalogue. Due Monday June 7.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Read The Death of Balder and The Last Battle. Worked on Creative Writing Portfolio.

CE 20 Went over questions on Social Justice. Assigned Social Justice Portfolio. Due Wed. Jun 16

8-M Map work

Hist 20 Current Events. Quiz on Tuesday. Notes and discussion on Vietnamese war.

Soc 9 Map work.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

7-P Went over home-work questions. Handout and questions on the UN. Assigned Country Project. Due: Wed June 9.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and handout on the Vietnamese War.

Soc 9 Worked on Power Points.

ELA 9 Notes on Norse Mythology. Read Odin's Quest and How Thor Got his Hammer. Handed out Creative Writing Portfolio assignment. Due June 11.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ELA 20 Tests returned. Read Act III, scene i and ii. Questions for home-work

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Worked on maps of Norse worlds. Due tomorrow.

8-M Introduction and notes on Unit 4-Consumership. Assigned Consumer Choice Catalogue.

7-P On line survey for treaties. Students answered questions on how to make the world better. Went over their government scenarios.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on the Korean War.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CE 20 Took in Bio Ethics research assignment. Started unit on Social Justice. Students were assigned five questions to answer.

7-C Students completed an on-line survey for treaties.

Monday, May 17, 2010

ELA 9-O Students met with Sr. Mary and Mrs. Orieux.

8-M Diary entries handed in. Played Culture game

7-C Went over questions on the UN. Assigned Country Project. Due Mon. Jun 14.

8-I Current event quizzes and new articles.

Friday, May 14, 2010

9-O Silent Reading. Read the Norse story of creation. Create a visual representation of the Nine Norse Worlds.

CE 20 Work class for Bioethics.

8-M Quiz and new articles

Hist 20 Current Events. Checked topics and resources.

Soc 9 Quiz and new articles.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hist 20 Current Events. Reviewed Cuban Missile Crisis. Handed out worksheet on The Korean War. Due Wed. May 19.

ELA 20 Test on Macbeth Act I and II.

CE 20 Celebrated birthdays.

7-C Notes and discussion on assigned questions: How to make the world a better place. Handout and questions on the UN. Questions due on Monday.

9-0 Notes on the movie The Mission. Assigned Power Point Assignment. Due June 17

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

7-P Went through home-work. Read through handout. Home-Work: Create their own governemnt as outlined at the end of the handout.

Hist 20: Current Events. Notes on The Cuban Missile Crisis.

Soc 9 Went over Current Events

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Writing. Poetry response to Panagea. Read Nigerian myth Water, Moon and Sun. Home-work: readings on the Norse Gods.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ELA 20 Complete Act II

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Returned home work assignments. Students shared their "bridges". Brainstormed on "Where do stories come from?" Read The Gift of Stories, The Gift of Breath. Discussed #1. Did #2.

8-M Assigned Immigrant Diary assignment. Due next Monday.

7-P Handed in Rights and Responsibilities posters. Read handout on government. Home-work questions.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on Cold War handout. H.W Worksheet on The Cuban Missile Crisis.

Monday, May 10, 2010

CE 20 Worked on Bioethics Research project. Due Tues. May 18

7-C Discussed the governments that they created. Assigned questions on the board. They answered them individually, then in groups.

8-1 Assigned Immigrant Diary Assignment. Due Monday May 17

Hist 20 Current Events. Assigned essays: Due June 10. Assigned questions sheet on The Cold War.

ELA 20 Discussed questions from previous scenes. Read II, i and ii. Assigned questions.

Friday, May 7, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Looked at the theme of The Bridge Builder and possibilities of the "word." Activity: You are a bridge. What do you look like? What are you made of? Where are you? Who will pass over you?

8M and 8I Current Events. Went over questions.

7-C Continued with handout on government.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. The Curio Shop assignment was due. Read The Sentry. Writing assignment: #3a. Read The Bridge Builder.

CE 20 Completed questionnaire. Assigned Bioethics research paper.

8-M Read newspaper article on refugee experience. Treasure hunt on Passages to Canada.

Soc 9 Completed The Mission.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

8-I Newspaper article on refugees from Myanmar. Internet treasure hunt-Passages to Canada.

Hist 20 Continued viewing Gandhi

ELA 20 Notes and discussion on Act I, iii-iv questions. Read till the end of Act I. Questions assigned.

CE20 Last group shared their bio-ethic issue. Handout given on Bio-ethics.

7-C Rights and Responsibilities handed in.

9-0 Continued viewing The Mission.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7-P Notes and discussion on Autrocratic, Oligarchic and Democratic governments. Notes on Democratic structures. Notes and discussion on principles of democracy. Home-work: Create a poster that demonstrates a right and the corresponding responsibility.

Hist 20 Continued viewing Gandhi

Soc 9 Started viewing the movie The Mission

ELA 9 Silent reading. Discussed The Curio. Assigned #4.

Monday, May 3, 2010

ELA 20 Macbeth: went over questions on I, i and ii. Read/listened to I, iii-iv. Questions assigned for home-work.

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Shared their futuristic stories. Read The Curio Shop. Question #2 needs to be done for home-work.

8-M Discussion on previous generations views on multiculturalism. Read through the handout, The Chosen Ones--A History of Selective Immigration.

7-P Discussion on powerful and weak nations. Activity on decision making. Notes on Autocratic governments. H.W Consider three postive and negative aspects of oligarchic and democratic governments.

Hist 20 Continued viewing Gandhi.

Friday, April 30, 2010

CE 20 In groups, share their bioethical articles. Choose one to share with class.

7-C Handout on Principles of Democracy. Create a poster that reflects a right and its corresponding responsibility.

8-I Read and discussed the handout "The Chosen Ones-A History of Selective Immigration."

Hist 20 Started viewing the movie Gandhi.

ELA 20 Notes on Shakespeare. Read Act I, i-ii. Questions assigned.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Read and discussed the short story Sophie, 1990. Home-work: Writing activity.

8M and 8I Survey on multiculturalism

7-C Notes on Democracy

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Journaling on the future. Read Voice Mail and the Mating Ritual. Did Question 1. Home-work: Read Sophie 1990.

C.E 20 Looked for articles on bioethics. Brief reports due for Friday.

8-M Worked on map.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes on the UN

Soc 9 Worked on map.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

8-I Assigned map work. Due next Day 5

Hist 20 Current Events. Handouts on the UN. Six focus questions due tomorrow. Corrections for World War Two test due tomorrow.

ELA 20 Read the travelling story. Went over The Catastrophe of Success.

CE 20 Discussed the Bomb Shelter activity. Handout given on Principles of Bioethics.

7-C Activity on Autocracy, Oligarchy and Democracy

9-O Activity on third bullet point from previous nights home-work. Read pages 126 and 126. Do all questions except the Over to You. On page 127 do questions 1a and c.

Monday, April 26, 2010

7-P Power of Nations: Notes and discussion

Hist 20 Caught up on Europe Trip: Mother Rivier facts and Communist facts

Soc 9 Questions given and worked on pertaining to European expansion. Went over home-work questions. Home-work: read page 124. Do third bullet point.

ELA 9 Worked on character portfolio assignment that is due on Wednesday.

Monday, April 12, 2010

ELA 9 Went over questions on Chapters 12 - 15. Read Chapter 16 and added to notes on conflict. Home-work: Read Chapter 17. Do questions on chapter 16 and 17.

8-M Correct articles. Maps due.

Soc 9 Notes on the Catholic Counter Reformation. Notes on the Age of Exploration. Handout given. Read handout and answer
a. How did the Renaissance influence the Age of Exploration?
b. Give three motive for European exploration.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

8-I and 9-O Corrected Current Event articles.

Hist 20 Current Events. Went over questions on "The Third World" video.

ELA 20 Went over symbols for the characters of Pete, Sucker and Maybelle. Read exert from St. Thomas More's Utopia. Assigned "Traveling Story".

CE 20 Took in Mother Rivier assignments. Took in Term 3 Service hours. Classroom clean up.

7-C Handed in World Organization posters. Built world puzzle.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

7-P Worked on and handed in World Organization posters.

Hist 20 Current Events. Watched video on "The Third World" Questions were handed out.

Soc 9 Notes on the Protestant Reformation. Went over questions that were assigned for home-work. Introduced the Catholic Counter Reformation. In text, read and record the results of the Catholic Counter Reformation

ELA 9 Discussed Chapter 11--the fire. Read Chapter 12. Home-work. Read and do questions to Chapter 15.

Monday, March 29, 2010

ELA 20 Practiced for the Way of the Cross

ELA 9 Went over questions for Chapters 7-9. Read Chapter 10 in class. Home-work: Read Chapter 11 and do questions for 10 and 11.

8-M Assigned Culture project. Due Wed. April 21

7-P Stations of the Cross.

Hist 20 Stations of the Cross.

Friday, March 26, 2010

C.E 20 Worked on Mother Rivier assignment. Gave reading assignments for Way of the Cross

7-C Worked on poster for international organization

8-I Assigned Culture project. Due Wednesday April 21

Hist 20 Test on WWII

ELA 20 Went over questions on the short story "Sucker."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

ELA 9 Went over elements of a novel and discussed the elements found in Mrs. Mike. Read Chapter 7. Home-work: Read Chapter 8 and 9. Do questions to the end of Chapter 9.

8-M and 8-I Finished presentations on World Religions. Notes and discussion on Arts and Recreational patterns.

7-C Went over responses to Development and Peace organization. Assigned World Organization poster. Due Wed. March 31.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

ELA 9 Mrs. Mike: Went over questions on Chapters 3 and 4. Read Chapter 5 and 6. Home-work: Do questions for Chapter 5 and 6.

CE 20 Celebrated March birthdays.

8-M Worked on maps of Haiti

Hist 20 Current Events Quiz. Wrapped up WWII. Notes were given. Test on WWII on Friday.

9-O Worked on map of Haiti.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

8-I Current Events: Worked on maps of Haiti

Hist 20 Current Events: Notes on USSR in WWII

ELA 20 Handed in poems titled, "Shadow Dark Night." Read the short story "Sucker". Questions were assigned.

CE 20 Worked on Mother Rivier assignment that is due March 31

7-C Went over language worksheet and their research on Devlopment and Peace. Worked on question 14.

Soc 9 Introduction notes on The Protestant Reformation. Read pages 181-187 in text and answer the following questions:
1. What are three issues that reformers did not like about the Catholic Church?
2. Explain what the sale of indulgences is.
3. Who is the "Father of the Reformation?'
4. What event began the Protestant Reformation?
5. What are "Wars of Religion?"
6. How did the Renaissance help the Protestant Reformation?
7. How did the Reformation affect the lives of women?
8. Describe two Protestant groups in two or three sentences each.
9. In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, what led to the belief in witches?
10. Why were women prosecuted as witches?

Monday, March 22, 2010

7-P Went over and discussed their Development and Peace assignment. Worked on questions 14 of the assignement. Assigned the World Organization Poster assignment that is in the handout. Due Tuesday March 30. Also returned the last geography quizzes and corrected language worksheet.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes on Japan's role in WWII.

Soc 9 Completed presentations on Renaissance Figures.

ELA 9 Mrs. Mike: Corrected questions on chapters one and two. Read most of Chapter three. Home-work: Read up to the end of Chapter four. Complete all the questions.

Friday, March 19, 2010

CE 20 Test on abortion.
Notes on Mother Rivier's steps and requirements to Canonization. Assignment: Write a letter to Pope Benedict XVI presenting a case for the canonization of Mother Rivier. The letter must include ten of her life works and examples of her faith (combined).
Letter format (2)
Organization (3)
Content (20)
Grammar and writing style (5)
Due March 31
Service Projects due for Term 3: Wed. Mar 31

7-C Presentation by Japanese Exchange students.

8-I Presentation on World religions

Hist 20 Current Events. Documentary: Pearl Harbour to Hiroschima. Started taking notes on Japan's role in the war.

ELA 20 Read the poem Departure. Identified the senses and emotion in the poem. Edited their poems Shadow Dark Night, making sure that they have at least one strong emotion and three senses. Poem due on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

ELA 20 Opposing Arguments assignment due today. Read and discussed Shadow Dark Night. HW: Write a poem titled, "Shadow Dark Night". Bring first draft to class tomorrow.

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Started the novel Mrs. Mike. H.W: Read chapters one and two and do the assigned questions.

8-M Presentations on world religions.

7-P Presentation and interaction with Japanese students. Development and Peace questions must be completed for Monday.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on Italy in WWII. H.W. Read and take jot notes on Japan in WWII.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ELA 9-0 Silent Reading. Discussed answers to the short story, "The Leaving"

8-M and 8-I Home-work check on world religions. Students were broken into groups to prepare a presentation on one of the major world relgions. 8-M presents on Thursday. 8-I presents on Friday.

7-C Went over examples of positive and negative peace from the documentary "The Price of Sugar." Did research on Development and Peace organization. Must be completed for home-work if you did not finish in class.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

8-I Current event quiz and new articles

Hist 20 Completed notes on Germany's role in WWII

ELA 20 Worked on opposing arguments assignment

C.E 20 Continued with fetal development. Started methods of abortion.

7-C Test on rivers, natures wonders and cities. Handout on languages.

9-O Renaissance presentations.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

ELA 20 Went over summaries of the arguments in Teen Runaways. Assigned Opposing arguments writing assignment. Due Thursday Mar 18.

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Groups presented their school poems.

8-M Notes on political patterns. Notes and assignment on Religious patterns. Assigenment due Mar 17.

7-P Completed viewing the Price of Sugar. In groups worked on a chart of positive and negative peace.

Hist 11-K Current Events. Notes on Hitler's domestic policies. Home-work: Six questions on foreign policy, due tomorrow. Test corrections due on Thursday

Monday, March 8, 2010

C.E. 11-K Abortion Unit: Federal law; Saskatchewan law; Fetal Development.

7-C Completed the Price Of Sugar. In groups, filled out chart on positive and negative actions.

8-I Politcal patterns: notes
Religious patterns: notes and assignment. Assignment due Wed Mar. 17

Hist 20 Current events
Notes on the fall of the Weimar government. Notes on the rise of Hitler. Home-work: Read handout and take notes on what were Hitler's domestic policies politically, socially and economically.

ELA 20 Took in journal writings. Notes and pre-discussion on teen runaways. In groups, read articles on whether to arrest teen runaways or not. In groups they had to sum up the pros and cons of each argument.

Friday, March 5, 2010

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Handed in comparative analysis. Handout on Surviving and Conquering. Broke into groups to work on "School" poems.

8-M and 8-I Reviewed cultural patterns on the Pokot people. Notes and discussion on educational patterns.

7-C Continued viewing The Price of Sugar.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

9-O Silent Reading. Comparative analysis assigned on Life is Beautiful and Daniel's Story. Work class given to complete the assignment. Due tomorrow.

C.E 11-K Notes and discussion on Abortion. Handout given out.

8-M and 9-O Maps handed in. Went over questions on Current Event articles. Quiz on articles next Day 6.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes on The Great Depression.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

8-I Took in maps of British Columbia. Corrected articles. Quiz on articles on next Day 5

Hist 20 Test on the Russian Revolution

ELA 20 Read the poem David. Journal writing: Would you have made the same choice as David? as Bob? Why would you have made or not made those choices? Why do you think that each of them made the choice that they did? Must be handed in at Monday's class.

C.E. 20 Recapped the main points of Romance without Regret

7-C Corrected Nature's Wonders. Test on cities, rivers and natures wonders next Day 5.

9-O Notes on the Renaissance. Assigned presentation, Renaissance Figures. Due Thursday Mar. 11.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

7-P Continued viewing The Price of Sugar

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes on Stalin's Revolution. Test on The Russian Revolution tomorrow.

7-P Corrected Nature's Wonders. Test on Mar 10 on Cities, rivers and nature's wonders.


Monday, March 1, 2010

ELA 20 Completed oral book reports. Discussion on choices.

ELA 9-O Completed Life is Beautiful. Students should have a record of the similarities and differences between the novel Daniel's Story and the movie.

8-M Definitions and notes on Kinship patterns. Home-work: Students were given a handout on "The Pokot people of Africa. " They need to explain the kinship and economic patterns of the Pokots.

7-P Review of globalization. Discussion, notes and handout on positive and negative peace. Started viewing the documentary The Price of Sugar. Students are making a record of the good and bad acts in the documentary.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes on the October Revolution. Test on the Russian Revolution on Wednesday.

Friday, February 26, 2010

CE 20 Finished the video, Romance Without Regret

7-C Notes on globalization and peace. Handout on peace. Started watching the documentary, The Price of Sugar.

8-I Notes and discussion on Kinship patterns. Home-work: read the Pokot people of Africa and describe their economic and political patterns.

Hist 20 Notes on the Russian Revolution. Home-work: Read assigned handout and answer the questions

ELA 20 Continued presenting book reports.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

ELA 9-O Continued watching the movie Life is Beautiful

8-M and 8-I Reviewed and continued to make notes on economic patterns. Started looking at kinship patterns.

7-C Went over their test on Resources. Began unit on Globalization. Notes and discussion on the definition and examples of globalization.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ELA 9-O Test on Daniel's Story

C.E 20 Brief discussion on Lent and Penitential Celebration.
Started watching the video, Romance without Regret.

8-M Worked on maps.

Hist 20 Current Events. Continued notes on The Russian Revolution.

Soc 9-0 Penitential Celebration

ELA 9-O Started viewing the movie, Life is Beautiful. Students need to note at least three similarities and differences between the movie and the novel, Daniel's Story.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

8-I and 9-O Worked on maps. Due next current events day.

Hist 20 Current events. Do not forget quiz on Friday. Notes on the Russian Revolution--a whole bunch of them!

ELA 20 Presented oral book reports.

CE 20 Celebrated birthdays.

7-C Worked on nature's treasures. Must be completed for the next geography day.

Monday, February 22, 2010

7-P Tests on Resources were returned. We went through the tests. The students have the tests. They are to be returned to me with a parent's signature, so that I know that parents have seen them.
Began Unit III: Globalization. Notes and discussion.

Hist 11-K Not too many current events. Hoping for a better turn out tomorrow. Handout on idealogies given out. Notes on Industrialization given. Home-work: What is the importance of the following to the Russian Revolution:
Tsar Nicholas II
Alexi Romonov
Jan 22, 1905

7-P Continued library research on Nature's Wonders. Must be completed for Tues. Mar 2.

Soc. 9-0 Handout on Decline of Feudalism discussed and read. Introduction of the Renaissance. H.W: Read pages 163-173. Take note of the following for the Renaissance:
Where did it take place?
When was it?
Why did the Renaissance start?
What were the themes of the Renaissance?
Who were Renaissance figures?

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Discussed questions on Chapters 15 and 16. Notes on the theme of the novel. Review sheet given to guide study for test on Wednesday.

Friday, February 12, 2010

ELA 20 Dead Poet's Society writing assignments were due. Students worked on their Oral Book Reports which are due Tues. Feb. 23.

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Went over questions on Chapters 12, 13 and 14. Read Chapter 15. Home-work: read chapter 16 and do questions on chapters 15 and 16. Test on Daniel's story probably the Wednesday or Thursday after the Feb. break.

8-M Notes and discussion on new unit, Culture. Handout given. Needs to be read and all questions answered.

7-P Test written on Resources.

Hist 20 Current Events. Quiz on current events the Friday after the break. Test corrections on WWI were supposed to be handed in--still missing some. Notes on Communism, Socialism and Fascism.

Have a GREAT February Break!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

CE 20 Continued and finished questionnaire on moral issues for teens.

7-C Test on Resources unit.

8-I Introduction and notes on new unit: Culture. Handout and questions to do on cultural and economic patterns.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on Democracy, Capitalism and we started on Communism and Socialism.

ELA 20 Work class for oral book report or writing assignment.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Went over questions for Chapters 10 and 11. Discussed vocabulary for Chapter 12, 13 and 14. Read Chapters 12, 13 and 14. H.W: Questions on Chapters 12, 13 and 14.

C.E 11-K Dicussed the first few statements in moral issues for teenagers.

8-M Presented/ Handed in their activists reports.

Hist 20 Current Events. Switched text books. Assigned the following:
Research the following idealogies. Explain what they are, what nation(s) practice them and what is good and bad about each of the idealogies.
democracy capitalism
communism socialism
fascism industrialism

Soc 9 Assigned current event articles.

Monday, February 8, 2010

8-I Assigned new current event articles that are due next Day 5.

Hist 20 Test on WWI. If you were absent, make sure that you talk to me as soon as you get back.

ELA 20 Notes and discussion on the characters and themes of Dead Poet's Society. Writing assignment given. Due on Friday.

C.E 20 Went over questions on morality. Handout given and needs to be completed on teen/parent issues.

7-C Correct assignments on rivers of the world and cities of the world. Gave review sheet for Unit test on resources. Test on Thursday. Went down to the library to complete handout on natural wonders. The handout is NOT for home-work. Review for your test.

9-O Corrected the crossword on feudalism. Notes and discussion on the decline of feudalism. HW: Read pages 124-136 and explain how the following influenced the decline of feudalism:
a. change in warfare
b. growth of towns
c. bubonic plague
d. increased trade.

Friday, February 5, 2010

7-P Worked on review sheets for their unit exam on resources. Exam on Friday.

Hist 20 Current Events. Went over handout on "Mobalizing for Total War" and "Canada's role in WWI." Test on WWI on Monday.

7-P Corrected "Rivers of the World" handout. Gave out "Natural Wonders" handout. Went to library to research natural wonders. NOT for home-work. Review for you test.

9-O Took in feudal assignments. Worked on feudal crossword.

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Went over questions on Chapters 6 and 7. Assigned:
Read handouts on "The Final Solution" and "Life in the Camps"
Do vocabulary for Chapter 8 and 9
Read and do questions for Chapter 8 and 9.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

ELA 20 Worked on book reports which are due Feb. 23

ELA 9-0 Silent reading. Went over questions for Chapter 5. Read Chapter 6. HW: Read Chapter 7. Do questions on Chapters 6 and 7.

8-M Worked on human activist research project that is due Wed. Feb 10

7-P Discussion on their needs and wants and the impact that they have on the environment. Handout on sustainable environment read and discussed. Test assigned for next week Friday. Review sheet given.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on the results of WWI. Home-work: read assigned handout and make notes on how the war affected Canada positively and negatively. Also, give examples on how a war is not only fought on the battlefields but with the whole country.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

C.E 20 Went through some of the questions in the questionnaire. Questions pertaining to morality were put on the board. They need to be completed for next class. Reminder: Many students have not started their service hours as yet. You need to have 15 hours completed by the end of this term.

7-C Went over the needs and wants that they have in their bedroom. Handout given and read through on a sustainable environment. Test on Resources Unit on Thursday Feb. 11

8-I Worked on human activist project. Due: Wed. Feb 11

Hist 20: Current Events. Notes on the Battles at Sea. Home-Work: Answer questions on the handout, "The Peace". Reminder: Test on World War One on Monday.

ELA 20: Continued watching Dead Poet's Society.

Monday, February 1, 2010

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Went over questions and did the home-work check for chapters 3 and 4. Handed out and read information on the ghetto and the resitance movements in the Holocaust.

C.E. 11-K Watched Alice in Wonderland.

8-M Did research for their human activist report.

Hist 11-K Notes on the Western Front and the Eastern Front.

9-0 Worked on feudalism assigenment.

ELA 9-0 Went over vocabulary and read Chapter 5. HW: Questions on Chapter 5.

Friday, January 29, 2010

8-I Researched for human activist report. One more work class will be given to work on the writing of the report.

Hist 20 Reviewed nationalism and the Balkan States. Notes on the Franco-Prussian War, Darwinism, Colonial Acquisition and a handout on Military Alliances. H.W. Read and do jot notes on how the war played out on the Western Front, the Eastern Front and at Sea.

ELA 20 Continued viewing Dead Poet's Society

C.E. 11-K Survey: What Canadians really believe? Handout to be filled out on "Asking Questions".

9-0 Went over home-work. Notes on the feudal pyramid and the Church pyramid (organization and structure of society).
Assignment: Read pages 101-121. You may also use outside resources.
For each of the following classes:
a. explain their role
b. explain why you would want to be in that class
c. explain why you would not want to be in that class

a. Research: read and take notes
b. Outline: organize your notes and determine the important points you want to use
c. Draft: Consider introduction and conclusion
d. Revise/Edit
e. Final copy: neat and NOT IN PENCIL.

Due: Friday Feb. 5

Thursday, January 28, 2010

7-L Went over the home-work on imported items. Read the children's story. The Lorax. H.W Make a list of the needs and wants that you have in your bedroom.

Hist 20 Notes and discussion on the causes of WWI. Looked at nationalism and the Balkan States. H.W. Read over notes and handouts that were given in class today.

7-L Corrected handout, Cities of the World. Assigned handout, Rivers of the World.

9-O Notes on new unit, systems of government and the beginning of feudalism. Home-worK: Read pages 95-96 in text. Read handout on Feudalism. Do number 1 on handout.

ELA 9 Went over questions on Chapter 1 and 2. Looked at and answered vocabulary for Chapter 3 and 4. Read Chapters 3 and 4. Assigned questions for Chapters 3 and 4.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

ELA 11-K Started watching the movie Dead Poet's Society

ELA 9-O Discussion on Anti-semitism handouts. Went over vocabulary. Read Chapter 1. H.W. Read Chapter 2 and answer questions in section C and D.

8-M Discussion and notes on human activists. Assignment: Research of a human activist. Due Wed. Feb 10.

7-L Went over activities that they had to do with water consumption. Recaped reasons for exports. Discussed reasons for imports. H.W Read p.24-27. Do number one in both suggested activity sections.

Hist 20 Discussion of Current Events. Introductory notes on conflict and dialectical thinking. H.W Watch 10 mins of the State of the Union address tonight and explain four causes of WW1.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

C.E 20 Birthday party

7-C Home-work check. Read and discussed Canada's trade partners. Read The Lorax. H.W Make of list of needs and wants in their bedrooms.

8-I Discussed and took notes on human activists. Assigned: Project on a Human Activist. Due Wed. Feb. 11

Hist 11-K Handed out course outline and texts. H.W Read and highlight handout on European nations.

ELA 11-K Oral Book Reports assigned. Due: Tues Feb 23
Brainstormed on characteristics of Youth. Journaled: Are these the best years of your life? Why do some people say they are? Why would you agree or disagree?

Monday, January 25, 2010

ELA 9-0 Handed out novels, Daniel's Story. Worked on handout: Layout of the Land. Home-work: read handout on "Why Hitler Hated the Jews" and do vocabulary for Chapters 1 and 2.

8-M and 8-I: Discussion and readings on handout, "Making the World a Better Place." Read the entire handout. Do TRY THIS on p.211.

7-C Went over personal and family water usage. Reviewed reasons for exports. Started reading and discussion on export. Home-work: Look for imports in your house and categorize the imports on p 25,


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Again, a lot of classes are being spent working on review sheets or completing long term assignments.

7-L Read and discussed pages 18-21 in handout on trade. Home-work: Read page 21, do #1 at bottom of page.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

There is a lot of review taking place for Finals. Grades 9, 10 and 11(ELA) all have review sheets or activities that they should be working on.

Grade 7's we are still working our way through the readings, activities and questions on the trade handout. 7-L do not forget that your photo essay is due tomorrow.

Monday, January 11, 2010

10-C Current Events. Went over questions on previous review sheets. Assigned French Revolution sheet. Due for Thursday.

8-I Maps were due. Went over answers to current event articles.

7-C and 7-L Worked on handout, "Cities of the World."

10-T Current Events. Work on American War of Independence handout.

Friday, January 8, 2010

C.E 20 Went over handout on Vatican II. Worked on Photo Essay.

10-T Assigned review sheets on English Civil War and American War of Independence. All due on Tuesday. Monday is a work class to complete them.

8-I Discussion on levels of Citizenship. Students had to answer the following questions:
1. Do you believe it is important for citizens to take part in the decision making process?
2. Is taking part in the decision-making process less important, equally important or more important than other contributions that citizens can make?

Design two surverys. One that investigates the political knowledge and involvement of the school community and one for the parent community.. You should start with at least ten questions.

10-C Work on review sheets.

ELA 20 Gave review for midterm.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

10-C Current Events. Went over some tricky parts of the test. Assigned review sheet on The English Civil War.

7-C Handed in photo essays. Read and discussed pages 18-21 of handout. #1 on page 21 due next class.

10-T Handed back test and went over problem areas. Assigned review sheet on The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment.

9-O Went over home-work on the Aztecs and the environment. Assigned review sheets.

8-M Notes and discussion on the importance of citizens being part of the decision-making process. Students need to design a survey that investigates the political knowledge of the school and parent community.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

8-I and 8-M Trying to assess a citizen's willingness to participate in Canada's politics. Worked on handout: Levels of citizenship.

10-C Review given for the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightnement. Should be completed for tomorrow.

C.E 20 Extension given on handout for Vatican Council II. Due next C.E class. Worked on photo essay.

9-0 Notes on the fall of the Roman Empire. Handout and questions on the Aztecs.

7-L Work class on photo essay that is due next Wednesday.