Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Social 9 Went over pros and cons of Imperialism. Power Point on Explorations assigned. Due Thursday June 20.
CE 20 Worked on social justice portfolios.
Hist 10 Current Events: Notes on The Growth of Democracy in Britain. Readings and notes assigned.

Monday, May 27, 2013

CE 20 Introductory questions on Social Justice. Social Justice portfolios assigned.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Social 9 Checked current event questions. Worked on maps.
Soc 7 Went through previous days questions. Read pages 190-197
History 10 Current Event quiz. Explanation on how to do citatations.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Social 9 Notes and discussion on Expansionism. Readings assigned on Imperialism.
CE 20 Bio Ethics assignments due. Bomb shelter activity.

Friday, May 17, 2013

CE 20 Last class to work on Bio-Ethics research paper. Due on Thursday May 23.
Social 9 Went over readings and gave notes "Reasons for Exploration." Readings from text book (pages 313-316). Home-work: Handout on the Age of Expansion. Questions assigned.
Hist 10 Went over readings on pages 55-57. Gave notes. Home-work: Read pages 106-108 and explain the positive and negative outcomes of Louis Napoleon's reign.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hist 10 Notes on conservative and democratic ideologies. Home work--read p.55-56 Question: Determine if the ruler of France was conservative or liberal. Give reasons to explain why you think that he was conservative or libera. Read p. 56-57 Question: How did the Second Republic become the Second Empire.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Social 9: Current events quiz and new articles.
Social 9 Yesterday: Started final unit on the Age of Explorations. Handout of readings and questions assigned.
Social 7 Did activity with resources to demonstrate resource distribution.
Hist 10 Worked on essays

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

CE 20 Students worked on Bioethical research.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Social 9 Test!!
CE 20 Worksheet on Bioethical issues. Worked on it individually, then in a group. Bioethics Research assignment given out. Due May 23

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hist 10 Assignment on Imperialism due Tuesday a.m.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hist 10 Completed the Mission. Notes on Imperialism. Assignment on Imperialism due on Tuesday.
Social 7 Notes and discussion on levels of government: Chart on board. Handed out review sheet for test on Tuesday.