Monday, May 31, 2010

ELA 20 Completed Act III. Read Act IV, i. Home-work: Complete questions for Act III.

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Read The Magic Millstones. Worked on their creative writing portfolios.

8-M Worked on catalogues

7-P Worked on country project.

Hist 20 Went over citations.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Read Irraweka, the Mischief Maker and How Rocks were Born. Worked on their creative writing portfolios.

8-M Worked on Consumer Choices Catalogue.

7-C Worked on Country Project.

8-I Notes on Consumer Choices. Assigned Catalogue. Due Monday June 7.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Read The Death of Balder and The Last Battle. Worked on Creative Writing Portfolio.

CE 20 Went over questions on Social Justice. Assigned Social Justice Portfolio. Due Wed. Jun 16

8-M Map work

Hist 20 Current Events. Quiz on Tuesday. Notes and discussion on Vietnamese war.

Soc 9 Map work.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

7-P Went over home-work questions. Handout and questions on the UN. Assigned Country Project. Due: Wed June 9.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and handout on the Vietnamese War.

Soc 9 Worked on Power Points.

ELA 9 Notes on Norse Mythology. Read Odin's Quest and How Thor Got his Hammer. Handed out Creative Writing Portfolio assignment. Due June 11.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

ELA 20 Tests returned. Read Act III, scene i and ii. Questions for home-work

ELA 9-O Silent Reading. Worked on maps of Norse worlds. Due tomorrow.

8-M Introduction and notes on Unit 4-Consumership. Assigned Consumer Choice Catalogue.

7-P On line survey for treaties. Students answered questions on how to make the world better. Went over their government scenarios.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on the Korean War.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CE 20 Took in Bio Ethics research assignment. Started unit on Social Justice. Students were assigned five questions to answer.

7-C Students completed an on-line survey for treaties.

Monday, May 17, 2010

ELA 9-O Students met with Sr. Mary and Mrs. Orieux.

8-M Diary entries handed in. Played Culture game

7-C Went over questions on the UN. Assigned Country Project. Due Mon. Jun 14.

8-I Current event quizzes and new articles.

Friday, May 14, 2010

9-O Silent Reading. Read the Norse story of creation. Create a visual representation of the Nine Norse Worlds.

CE 20 Work class for Bioethics.

8-M Quiz and new articles

Hist 20 Current Events. Checked topics and resources.

Soc 9 Quiz and new articles.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hist 20 Current Events. Reviewed Cuban Missile Crisis. Handed out worksheet on The Korean War. Due Wed. May 19.

ELA 20 Test on Macbeth Act I and II.

CE 20 Celebrated birthdays.

7-C Notes and discussion on assigned questions: How to make the world a better place. Handout and questions on the UN. Questions due on Monday.

9-0 Notes on the movie The Mission. Assigned Power Point Assignment. Due June 17

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

7-P Went through home-work. Read through handout. Home-Work: Create their own governemnt as outlined at the end of the handout.

Hist 20: Current Events. Notes on The Cuban Missile Crisis.

Soc 9 Went over Current Events

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Writing. Poetry response to Panagea. Read Nigerian myth Water, Moon and Sun. Home-work: readings on the Norse Gods.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

ELA 20 Complete Act II

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Returned home work assignments. Students shared their "bridges". Brainstormed on "Where do stories come from?" Read The Gift of Stories, The Gift of Breath. Discussed #1. Did #2.

8-M Assigned Immigrant Diary assignment. Due next Monday.

7-P Handed in Rights and Responsibilities posters. Read handout on government. Home-work questions.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on Cold War handout. H.W Worksheet on The Cuban Missile Crisis.

Monday, May 10, 2010

CE 20 Worked on Bioethics Research project. Due Tues. May 18

7-C Discussed the governments that they created. Assigned questions on the board. They answered them individually, then in groups.

8-1 Assigned Immigrant Diary Assignment. Due Monday May 17

Hist 20 Current Events. Assigned essays: Due June 10. Assigned questions sheet on The Cold War.

ELA 20 Discussed questions from previous scenes. Read II, i and ii. Assigned questions.

Friday, May 7, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Looked at the theme of The Bridge Builder and possibilities of the "word." Activity: You are a bridge. What do you look like? What are you made of? Where are you? Who will pass over you?

8M and 8I Current Events. Went over questions.

7-C Continued with handout on government.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

ELA 9 Silent Reading. The Curio Shop assignment was due. Read The Sentry. Writing assignment: #3a. Read The Bridge Builder.

CE 20 Completed questionnaire. Assigned Bioethics research paper.

8-M Read newspaper article on refugee experience. Treasure hunt on Passages to Canada.

Soc 9 Completed The Mission.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

8-I Newspaper article on refugees from Myanmar. Internet treasure hunt-Passages to Canada.

Hist 20 Continued viewing Gandhi

ELA 20 Notes and discussion on Act I, iii-iv questions. Read till the end of Act I. Questions assigned.

CE20 Last group shared their bio-ethic issue. Handout given on Bio-ethics.

7-C Rights and Responsibilities handed in.

9-0 Continued viewing The Mission.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

7-P Notes and discussion on Autrocratic, Oligarchic and Democratic governments. Notes on Democratic structures. Notes and discussion on principles of democracy. Home-work: Create a poster that demonstrates a right and the corresponding responsibility.

Hist 20 Continued viewing Gandhi

Soc 9 Started viewing the movie The Mission

ELA 9 Silent reading. Discussed The Curio. Assigned #4.

Monday, May 3, 2010

ELA 20 Macbeth: went over questions on I, i and ii. Read/listened to I, iii-iv. Questions assigned for home-work.

ELA 9 Silent Reading. Shared their futuristic stories. Read The Curio Shop. Question #2 needs to be done for home-work.

8-M Discussion on previous generations views on multiculturalism. Read through the handout, The Chosen Ones--A History of Selective Immigration.

7-P Discussion on powerful and weak nations. Activity on decision making. Notes on Autocratic governments. H.W Consider three postive and negative aspects of oligarchic and democratic governments.

Hist 20 Continued viewing Gandhi.