Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hist 20 Went over how to do citations and bibliographies.

Soc 7 Worked on their images of globalization. Due next Social class.

Drama 10 Worked on the end of the year presentation.

Soc 8-I Notes on consumerism. Assigned Catalogue project that is due June 13.

CE 20 Worked on Social Justice portfolios.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

CE 20 Worked on Social Justice portfolios

Drama 10 performed character sketches

Soc 8-M Worked on catalogues

ELA 20-K Read IV, ii and iii.

Soc 7 Went over pros and cons of globalization. Students need to create an image that represents their perception of globalization. They have tomorrow's class to work on it and it is due at the end of the class.

Hist 20 Completed the Vietnamese War. Started notes on the End of the Cold War.
Current Event Quiz: Friday June 3
Post World War II test: Friday June 10
Essays: Thursday June 9