Friday, September 30, 2011

Hist 20 Notes on Stalin's Revolution. Reviewed for test on Tuesday.

Soc 9 Went over handout on Worldviews. Project assigned. Due Oct 17.

Soc 7 Activity on climate zones.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

CE 20 Worked on Martyr projects

Hist 20 Notes on Bolshevik Revolution, Brest-Litovsk Treaty and New Economic Policy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Social 7 Reviewed temperature zones. Notes and handouts on precipitation.

CE 20 Continued notes on the Roman Emperors who persecuted martyrs. Assigned martyr project that is due Tuesday October 11.

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes on the February Revolution. Readings and questions assigned for tomorrow. Test on the Russian Revolution on Tuesday October 4.

Soc 8 Completed "Over Canada." Answered the questions
1. What is the moving saying about Canada?
2. Explain, with examples of yourself and Canada, the phrase "we are a product of our land."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hist 20 Current Event Quiz. Notes on the Road to the Russian Revolution.

Soc 7-T Reviewed Time and Longitude. Notes and handout on location and climate. H.W Map work on temperate zones.

Soc 9 Review of previous terms and civilizations. Discussion on primitive versus civilized. Started discussion and some notes on worldviews.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Social 8 and 9 Handed in maps of "The Horn of Africa." Corrected articles. Quiz on four articles next week Wednesday.

Soc 7 Checked maps of North America. Assigned maps of South America. Next Wednesday: Quiz on Continent trivia, World Map and Map of North America.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hist 20 Current Events. For each of the following idealogies state:
a. the definition
b. the nations that practice these idealogies
c. the pros and cons of the idealogies
democracy capitalism
communism socialism
fascism industrialization

Soc 7-T Terry Fox Walk

Soc 9 Worked on Dene and Sumerian Civilization.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Soc 8 and 9 Worked on Horn of Africa maps. Due next Day 6.

Soc 7 Maps of North America assigned. Due next Day 6.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hist 20 Current Events. Notes and discussion on the handout that had to be read for home-work. Test tomorrow on WWI.

Soc 9 Notes on characteristics of early civilizations. Handouts given on Dene society and Sumerian civilization. Chart to be completed so that comparisons and contrasts of a society can be made.

Soc 7-C Corrected home-work. Worked on p.24 (handout). If not completed in class, must be completed for home-work.

Monday, September 12, 2011

CE 20 Presented models of the Church. Discussed service hours and due dates.

Hist 20 Went over questions and gave notes on "The Peace." Handout on The Total War and Canada in WWI needs to be read for tomorrow.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Soc 7-C Notes on longitude and latitude. Assigned Pinpointing Major Cities for Home-work.

7-T Corrected home-work. assigned p. 24.

CE 20 Brainstormed on "The Church". Notes on models of the Church. In groups, read, learn and then present your model of the church.

Hist 20 Notes on The Eastern Front and Battles at Sea. H.W. Questions on the handout "The Peace."

Soc 8-M Presented collages

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hist 20 Current Events: Brianne, Quinn and Ina. Notes and discussion on the Western Front. Started looking at the Eastern Front.

Soc 7-T Notes and handout on Latitude and Longitude. Questions need to be completed on handout. Handout p. 23 needs to be completed.

Soc 9 Notes on early societies. H.W Read the remainder of the handout. Do questions # 2-5. Create a list of characteristics of early civilizations.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Soc 8 and 9 Current Event articles assigned. Questions assigned and need to be completed for next Day 6.

Soc 7 World maps need to be coloured and labeled with the continents and oceans. Trivia has to be completed. Due next Day 6.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hist 20 Notes on the causes of WWI: Nationalism, The Balkan States (handout) and Darwinism.

Soc 9 Introduced idea of what a society is. Gave handouts and text book readings on early societies. Questions to be completed for Thursday Sept. 8.

Soc 7 Introduced unit on Location. Looked at absolute and relative location. Worksheet given to practice using a grid. Handout given on longitude and latitude. Questions need to be completed for Friday Sept. 9.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

CE 20 Continued to work on prayer books.

Hist 20 Introductory notes on conflict and dialectical thinking. WWI--Introduction. Home-Work: Explain four causes of WWI.