Thursday, February 28, 2013

Social 9 Continue readings and notes on the Implications of Feudalism. Notes and readings on the decline of feudalism.
Hist 10 Current Events. Review for English Civil War. Test on Friday.
CE 20 Began unit on Abortion. Looked at the definition of, reasons for and what Canadian and Church Law is in regards to an abortion. Handouts given. Will look at fetal development.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hist 10 Current Event Quiz. Notes on The Stuart Monarch and a Limited Constitutional Monarch. Test postponed to Friday.
Social 7 Class to complete river work sheets. Sheets must be completed for next Day 5.
Soc 9 Monday Feb 24. Returned assignments and had a discussion on plagiarism. Reviewed the implications of the feudal structure. Readings and notes on pages 160-163. Tuesday Feb. 25: Checked home-work for current event articles. assigned maps which are due next current events day 5.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Social 7 Home-work check on Land and Population. Notes and discussion followed. Handout given. Students were broken into groups to do readings and paragraph summaries for "How History impacts Current Events." Summaries to be read aloud.
Hist 10. Current Events. Notes on Charles I and Oliver Cromwell. Worksheet given to be completed for Tuesday Feb. 26 on points of a Limited Constitutional Monarch in England, post civil war. Reminder that current event quiz is on Tuesday Feb. 26.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CE 20 Completed discussion on teen and parent issues.
Soc 9 Checked student's progress on Feudal writing assignment. Assignment is due Friday morning.
Hist 10 Current Events. Notes and discussion on the rule of James I and Charles I. Assignment sheet of questions due for tomorrow. Note: Current Event Quiz on Tuesday Feb. 26. English Civil War test on Wed. Feb. 27.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hist 10 Current Events. Returned and went over test on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. Notes on James I and his relationship with Parliament.
CE 20 Discussion on resignation of the Pope, Lent and Lenten sacrifices. In groups, worked on intentions for Lent.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Soc 9 Current Events: Articles assigned. Questions need to be completed for the next day.
Soc 7 Home-work check on cities of the world. Corrected worksheet. Assigned worksheet on rivers of the world.
Hist 10 Current events presented. Handout given on the Tudor and Stuart Monarchs. Notes and discussion on the King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth I relationship with Parliament.

Friday, February 8, 2013

CE 20 Discussion based on questionnaire of issues for teens and parents
Soc 9 Quick review of feudalism. Writing assignment: After reading your handouts and the following pages in your textbook: pages 145-153; 156-159;186-187, write a few paragraphs that deal include the following: For each of the feudal classes (Royalty, Nobility, Clergy, Knights and Peasantry) a. explain their role b. explain why you would want to be in that class. c. explain why you would not want to be in that class. Process a. Research--read and take notes b. Outline--organize notes and determine the important points you want to make c. Draft--consider an introduction and conclusion d. Revise and edit e. Hand in copy--neat and not in pencil

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Soc 7. Home-work check done on three questions on page 95. Notes given on what influences where people live in Canada. Started readings on"What influences where people live in the South Pacific?" H.W. Continue reading to page 103. Do questions on p. 103.
Hist 10 Wrote test on Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment in the first class. Second class--Current Events. Introduction to the English Civil War. H.W. Read pages 14-17 (stop just before "The Long Parliament.") Answer: What relationship did each of the following monarchs have with Parliament? What factors influenced their relationship? Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, James I, Charles I.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Soc 7 Presentation on New Zealand by exchange student.
Hist 10. Current events presented. Reviewed for test tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CE 20 In groups, questionnaire was discussed, then some class discussion. Questionnaire on parent and teens given out. Needs to be completed for next class.
Social 9 Quick review on the development of feudalism. Notes and readings on the feudal pyramid and the church and feudalism. Home-work--continue reading handout to the end.
Hist 10 Current Events. Review sheet on types of government and the philosophes. Notes on the Impact of the Enlightenment. Shannon writes her test tomorrow. Everyone else on Wednesday.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hist 10 Notes on the ideas of the Enlightenment. Home-work: Reads pages 9-12. Answer questions written on the boards. Soc 7 Worksheet given on cities of the world.