Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Social 8 Tuesday Oct 22: Maps are to be handed in and current event articles need to be corrected. Wednesday Oct 23: Test on Cultural patters.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Social 8 Readings and research on world religions due for Monday.
Hist 20 Readings in Red Text book, "The Challenge of Soviet Communism" Do numbers1-6 In Review.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Social 9 Working on their Early civilizations and Worldview projects.
History 20 Finished looking at political and economic ideologies. Started doing research on the Russian Revolution.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Hist 20 Current Event Quiz. Notes and discussion on political and economic ideologies Soc.8: Notes on Political patterns. Handouts and assignment on religious patterns. Assignment is not for home-work. Study for current event quiz.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Social 8 Maps were due. Quiz on articles next Day 5
Social 9 Corrected articles for Current Events. Quiz on articles next Day 5. A few maps were not handed in.
CE 10 Started Unit One: My Story. Readings and discussion from text.
Hist 20 Students are researching the pros and cons of political and economic ideologies. Due for Thursday.

Monday, September 23, 2013

History 20 Test on WWI
Quiz on Early Societies and Civilizations. Notes, handout and discussion on Worldviews.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Social 8 Notes and discussion on Educational Patterns. Maps for Current Events need to be completed for DAY 5
Hist 20 Test on World War One on Monday
Social 9 continued readings on the Shang Dynasty in text book. Answered #3 on p. 16. Quiz on Early Societies and Early Civilizations on Monday.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Social 8 and 9 Home-work check on current event articles. Maps assigned and due for next day 5.
Hist 20 Notes on The Battles at Sea. Home-work check on "THe Peace." Strated notes on the peace treaties. Test on World War One on Monday Sept. 23.
CE 10 Prayer booklets due on September 16. Tour of Mother Rivier archives with Sr. Pat

Friday, September 13, 2013

Hist 20. Current Events. Notes on the Eastern Front.
Soc 9 Notes on general characteristics of early civilizations. Readings in text on the Shang Dynasty.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Social 8 Notes on Economic Patterns. Started notes on kinship patterns.
Hist 20 Continued and finished notes on the cause of WWI. H.W Research the Western and Eastern Fronts.
Hist 20 Notes and handouts on World War One--causes of the First World War.
CE 10 Working on prayer booklets that are due on Monday Sept. 16
Social 8 and 9 Readings and questions to be completed for the next Day 5 in current events.
Social 8 Notes an introduction to the unit on Canadian culture. Home-work: Handout on Economic Patterns and the Sherpas. Readings and questions to be completed for Wednesday, Sept 11.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Social 9 Readings assigned on early civilizations. Questions assigned.
CE 10 Working on prayer booklets.
CE 10 Working on prayer booklets.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Social 7 Worked on photo essays.
History 10 Essays due. Final Unit test on Wednesday.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Social 9 Went through answers for Current Events. Quiz next Day 5
Soc 7 Continued looking at the History of trade, internationally and in Canada. Photo essays assigned.
Hist 10 Current Events. Notes on Britain's Road to Democracy. Home-work: Readings pages120-124. Do section review questions.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Social 9 Went over pros and cons of Imperialism. Power Point on Explorations assigned. Due Thursday June 20.
CE 20 Worked on social justice portfolios.
Hist 10 Current Events: Notes on The Growth of Democracy in Britain. Readings and notes assigned.

Monday, May 27, 2013

CE 20 Introductory questions on Social Justice. Social Justice portfolios assigned.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Social 9 Checked current event questions. Worked on maps.
Soc 7 Went through previous days questions. Read pages 190-197
History 10 Current Event quiz. Explanation on how to do citatations.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Social 9 Notes and discussion on Expansionism. Readings assigned on Imperialism.
CE 20 Bio Ethics assignments due. Bomb shelter activity.

Friday, May 17, 2013

CE 20 Last class to work on Bio-Ethics research paper. Due on Thursday May 23.
Social 9 Went over readings and gave notes "Reasons for Exploration." Readings from text book (pages 313-316). Home-work: Handout on the Age of Expansion. Questions assigned.
Hist 10 Went over readings on pages 55-57. Gave notes. Home-work: Read pages 106-108 and explain the positive and negative outcomes of Louis Napoleon's reign.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hist 10 Notes on conservative and democratic ideologies. Home work--read p.55-56 Question: Determine if the ruler of France was conservative or liberal. Give reasons to explain why you think that he was conservative or libera. Read p. 56-57 Question: How did the Second Republic become the Second Empire.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Social 9: Current events quiz and new articles.
Social 9 Yesterday: Started final unit on the Age of Explorations. Handout of readings and questions assigned.
Social 7 Did activity with resources to demonstrate resource distribution.
Hist 10 Worked on essays

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

CE 20 Students worked on Bioethical research.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Social 9 Test!!
CE 20 Worksheet on Bioethical issues. Worked on it individually, then in a group. Bioethics Research assignment given out. Due May 23

Friday, May 3, 2013

Hist 10 Assignment on Imperialism due Tuesday a.m.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hist 10 Completed the Mission. Notes on Imperialism. Assignment on Imperialism due on Tuesday.
Social 7 Notes and discussion on levels of government: Chart on board. Handed out review sheet for test on Tuesday.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Social 9 Students worked on their current event maps.
Soc 7 Geography test. Handed back assignments on government. Played the "Atlas" game.
History 10 Started watching the movie The Mission. Assignment on Imperialism handed out.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Social 9 Notes and readings on The Catholic Counter Reformation. Review sheet assigned. Test on Monday May 6.
CE 20 Started Unit on Bioethics. Handout given and library research assigned.
History 10 Wrote test on the Industrial Revolution. Worksheet given on Imperialism. Due for Monday.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Social 7 Notes, discussion and handouts on democracy in Canada.
Hist 10 Completed unit on Industrial Rev. Test on Wednesday April 24

Friday, April 19, 2013

History 10 Notes and discussion on the Impact of the Industrial Revolution. Home-work: Readings and questions on Section 4, Responses to the Industrial Revolution.
CE 20 Continued watching the video Romance without Regret.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

History 10 Went over home-work. Assigned next section of readings and questions on the Industrial Revolution. Test scheduled for Tuesday April 23. Soc 7 Took in assignments on Types of Government. A few were not handed in. Went over Nature's Treasures. Soc 9 Finally completed presentations on The Renaissance. Wrote quizzes on March current events. Assigned articles for April.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

History 10 We have started the Industrial Revolution. Notes on characteristics of an industrial society were given. Readings and home-work were assigned.
Social 7 There have been notes, discussion and readings on different types of government. A writing assignment was given. It is due on Thursday April 18.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Social 9 Presentations on Renaissance Figures.
Social 7 Geography: Working on the handout Nature's Treasures. Due next Day 5
Hist 10 Test on the French Revolution on Friday. Tomorrow, Thursday is a review class.

Monday, April 8, 2013

History 10 Readings, notes and questions on Napoleon's rise and fall. Soc 7 Started working on how nations make decisions.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Social 7 Notes on Power of Nations. Read pages 126-133 in text. Answer questions 1, 3 and 5 on page 133.
History 10 Writing assignment on the involvement of Europe in the French Revolution. Due Wednesday April 12. Test on the French Revolution is Friday April 14.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

CE 20 Watching the video "Romance without Regret."
Social 9 Work class for Renaissance figures.
History 10 Notes on The Revolution Deepens. Current Event Quiz on Wednesday.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Social 9 Worked on maps of Northern Africa
History 10 Current Events. Notes on "A Moderate Start to the Revolution." Notes will be completed on Monday.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

CE 20 Worked on Mother Rivier letters that are due on Monday.
Social 9 Worked on Renaissance Figures assignment
History 10 Notes on the causes of the French Revolution. Home-work: Readings in text on "A Moderate Start to the Revolution." Do review questions.
Social 7 Went over articles pertaining to collective power. Started work on the Power of Nations.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Social 7 Review of types and sources of power. Discussion on collective power. Articles and questions assigned.
History 10 Introduction to the French Revolution. Readings assigned in handout and pages 30-34 in text book. Questions: 1. How did the structure of the Old Regime lead to discontent in France? 2. Explain three factors that led to the French economic crisis.
Social 9 Notes, discussion and handouts on The Renaissance. Assignment on Renaissance figures given out. Due Tuesday April 9

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Social 9 Quiz on Current Event articles. New articles assigned. Questions on articles need to be completed for the next Day 5.
Social 7 Worksheets on Nature's Treasures given. One more class to complete worksheet.
Hist 10 Completed watching the movie The Patriot. Test on the American War of Independence on Monday

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Social 9 Introduction to the Renaissance and why it started in Italy.
CE 20 Notes and discussion on Mother Rivier's road to canonization. Assignment given. Due March 25. Assignment was written on the board. Please see me or another student to get it.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Social 7 Students presented the pictures that they were supposed to gather for home-work. Notes, readings and discussion on Sources of Power.
History 10 Continued watching The Patriot

Monday, March 11, 2013

Social 7 Returned and went over tests. Started new unit on Power. Notes and discussion on types of power. Home-work students have to bring in three pictures that represent the three different types of power: authority, influence and force. The pictures can be from magazines, the newspaper or the internet.

Friday, March 8, 2013

CE 20 Quiz on Abortion
Social 9 Test on Feudalism
Hist 10 Watching the movie The Patriot. Test on American War of Independence on Monday March 18th.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

CE 20 went over the complications and hazards of abortion. Study time given for test tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Social 9 Maps due. Went over questions for February articles.
Social 7 Test on Chapter 4
Hist 10 Notes on the causes of the American Rev. Readings on what led to the colonists victory.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Social 9 Notes on the decline of feudalism. Test on feudalism on Friday.
CE 20 reviewed fetal development. Looked at methods of abortion.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Social 7 Work class to review for test on Chapter 4 which is on Monday.
Hist 10 Current Events. Introduction to the American War of Independence. Readings and questions assigned.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Social 7 Notes on the environment and natural disasters. Read to the end of the chapter and took notes. Test on Chapter 4 on Wednesday March 6. Rivers of the world also due on that day.
Hist 10 Test on English Civil War

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Social 9 Continue readings and notes on the Implications of Feudalism. Notes and readings on the decline of feudalism.
Hist 10 Current Events. Review for English Civil War. Test on Friday.
CE 20 Began unit on Abortion. Looked at the definition of, reasons for and what Canadian and Church Law is in regards to an abortion. Handouts given. Will look at fetal development.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hist 10 Current Event Quiz. Notes on The Stuart Monarch and a Limited Constitutional Monarch. Test postponed to Friday.
Social 7 Class to complete river work sheets. Sheets must be completed for next Day 5.
Soc 9 Monday Feb 24. Returned assignments and had a discussion on plagiarism. Reviewed the implications of the feudal structure. Readings and notes on pages 160-163. Tuesday Feb. 25: Checked home-work for current event articles. assigned maps which are due next current events day 5.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Social 7 Home-work check on Land and Population. Notes and discussion followed. Handout given. Students were broken into groups to do readings and paragraph summaries for "How History impacts Current Events." Summaries to be read aloud.
Hist 10. Current Events. Notes on Charles I and Oliver Cromwell. Worksheet given to be completed for Tuesday Feb. 26 on points of a Limited Constitutional Monarch in England, post civil war. Reminder that current event quiz is on Tuesday Feb. 26.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CE 20 Completed discussion on teen and parent issues.
Soc 9 Checked student's progress on Feudal writing assignment. Assignment is due Friday morning.
Hist 10 Current Events. Notes and discussion on the rule of James I and Charles I. Assignment sheet of questions due for tomorrow. Note: Current Event Quiz on Tuesday Feb. 26. English Civil War test on Wed. Feb. 27.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Hist 10 Current Events. Returned and went over test on the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment. Notes on James I and his relationship with Parliament.
CE 20 Discussion on resignation of the Pope, Lent and Lenten sacrifices. In groups, worked on intentions for Lent.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Soc 9 Current Events: Articles assigned. Questions need to be completed for the next day.
Soc 7 Home-work check on cities of the world. Corrected worksheet. Assigned worksheet on rivers of the world.
Hist 10 Current events presented. Handout given on the Tudor and Stuart Monarchs. Notes and discussion on the King Henry VII and Queen Elizabeth I relationship with Parliament.

Friday, February 8, 2013

CE 20 Discussion based on questionnaire of issues for teens and parents
Soc 9 Quick review of feudalism. Writing assignment: After reading your handouts and the following pages in your textbook: pages 145-153; 156-159;186-187, write a few paragraphs that deal include the following: For each of the feudal classes (Royalty, Nobility, Clergy, Knights and Peasantry) a. explain their role b. explain why you would want to be in that class. c. explain why you would not want to be in that class. Process a. Research--read and take notes b. Outline--organize notes and determine the important points you want to make c. Draft--consider an introduction and conclusion d. Revise and edit e. Hand in copy--neat and not in pencil

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Soc 7. Home-work check done on three questions on page 95. Notes given on what influences where people live in Canada. Started readings on"What influences where people live in the South Pacific?" H.W. Continue reading to page 103. Do questions on p. 103.
Hist 10 Wrote test on Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment in the first class. Second class--Current Events. Introduction to the English Civil War. H.W. Read pages 14-17 (stop just before "The Long Parliament.") Answer: What relationship did each of the following monarchs have with Parliament? What factors influenced their relationship? Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, James I, Charles I.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Soc 7 Presentation on New Zealand by exchange student.
Hist 10. Current events presented. Reviewed for test tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CE 20 In groups, questionnaire was discussed, then some class discussion. Questionnaire on parent and teens given out. Needs to be completed for next class.
Social 9 Quick review on the development of feudalism. Notes and readings on the feudal pyramid and the church and feudalism. Home-work--continue reading handout to the end.
Hist 10 Current Events. Review sheet on types of government and the philosophes. Notes on the Impact of the Enlightenment. Shannon writes her test tomorrow. Everyone else on Wednesday.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Hist 10 Notes on the ideas of the Enlightenment. Home-work: Reads pages 9-12. Answer questions written on the boards. Soc 7 Worksheet given on cities of the world.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Social 9 Notes and discussion on how governments influence an individual/society. Notes on the development of feudalism. Started looking at the feudal pyramid.
CE 20 Ski forms handed out. Due dates for service projects given. Discussed answers to introductory questions on morality. Questionnaire "Asking Questions" handed out.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday January 29

Hist 10: Introduced Scientific Revolution and The Enlightenment. Handouts and text book readings assigned. Worksheet given that needs to be completed. Soc 7: Introduction to course and course expectations. Career Ed: Text books assigned. Students journaled and shared on what they want their lives to be like in 15 years.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hello everyone. It is great to be back in the classroom and teaching you all again. I will try my best to give a daily post of the highlights of each class. Hist 10 Assigned textbooks. Went over the course outline and expectations. Social 9 Went over the course outline and expectations. Did a quick oral review of semester one's material. Please remember to bring your text books to the next Social class. CE 20 Went over the course outline and expectations. Did a brief survey to see where Canadian's priorities lie. Introductory questions were assigned for home-work.