Monday, November 30, 2009

10-C and 10-T Current Events. Essay topics and resources checked. Keep on working on your essays!

7-C Each group shared how they would survive in their particular situation. Started handout: Classification of resources. Home-work: Classify renewable and non-renewable resources.

9-0 Notes, discussion and readings on the impact of the Greek Civilization on present day SK. Read pages 55-61 in text. H.W: #2 on p. 62 and #6 on p. 63.

8-M Discussion on the impact of the Indian act. Started notes on forms of government: Autocracy, Oligarchy and Democracy. H.W.: Start brainstorming on the following questions:
1. Which government style do you prefer? Why?
2. How would this form of government impact the rights and responsibilities of its citizens?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

10-C and 10-T Current Events. Introduction of Final unit--notes and discussion. H.W. Read pages 51-54 Do all the questions on p. 54. REMINDER: Topics for essay must be chosen by Monday. Three resources need to be brought to class.

ELA 20 Went over questions for Chapters 11 and 13. Ghislaine read half of chapter 14, then others finished it off. H.W. Read and do questions for Chapter 15 and 16.

7-C Began Unit on Resources. Notes and discussion. In partners, situations were given and students need to determine how they will survive with given resources.

8-M Went over questions for articles.

9-O Maps were assigned. We will correct the articles next Day 6. Maps are due at that time too.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

10-C Current Events. Notes and discussion on Imperialism

8-I Went through the answers on the current event articles.

7-C and 7-L Test on Unit One. If you missed the test, it is in the exam folder and must be written on your return.

10-T Current Events. Notes and discussion on Imperialism

Monday, November 23, 2009

C.E 20 Notes given on Church corruptions that led to the Protestant Reformation. H.W: read Chapter 10. For each of the religions, Lutheran, Anglican and Calvinists answer the following:
a. Who was the founder of the religion?
b. Which country was the religion started in?
c. What was the main opposition to the Catholic faith?
d. What was the main belief of the faith?

10-T Completed The Mission. Assigned essays. Due Dec. 22

8-I Notes and discussion on Rights and Responsibilities of Canadian citizens. Handout on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Students took note of what their most valuable right is and found three rights that Canadians have that people in other countries do not. H.W. Read the handout on The Indian Act. Highlight 3-5 examples of how the Indian Act is in conflict with the Charter of Rights.

10-C Current Events. Assigned essays. Due Dec. 22

ELA 20 Took in Boo Radley perspectives. Notes and discussion on Ch 9 and 10. Read Chapter 11. H.W.: Read and do questions on Chapter 12 and 13.

Friday, November 20, 2009

10-C Completed the movie The Mission

7-C and 10-T Mass at St. George's Church

9-O Went over the home-work. Notes and discussion on Impact of an Older Society on Present Day Canada. Created a time line for the Roman Empire from the text. Discussion and notes on general information of the Roman Empire.

8-M Went over home-work. In groups, read the Indian Act and took note of 3-5 examples of how the Indian Act is in conflict with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

8-I Mass Practice

10-C Continued viewing The Mission

C.E. 20 Shared and posted the creeds.

8-M Notes and discussion on rights and responsibilities of a citizen. Handout on the Canadian Charter of Rights. H.W: After reading the Charter, what is the right that is the most important to you? Why? Find two rights that Canadians have, but other countries do not.

9-0 Notes and discussion on archaeology and dating methods. Text: Read page 28. Do number 7 on page 30.

7-L Reviewed for test on Tues. Nov 24

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

ELA 20 Notes and discussion on the difference between expository and narrative writing. Returned Miss Maudie's character descriptions. Shared some of the Boo Radley perspectives.

Notes and discussion on conflict. Examples of conflict in the novel. Home-work: Read Chapters 9 and 10. Do questions.

10-T Continued watching The Mission

C.E 20 Worldbeat presentaion

7-L Worldbeat presentation

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

10-C Returned Industrial revolution test. Corrections on test due tomorrow. Started viewing the movie The Mission to get a better understanding of the impact of Colonization.

ELA 20 Pop quiz on Chapters 6-8. Discussion and notes on advantages and disadvantages of first person point of view. Writing assignment:
Write any of the following recounts from Boo Radley's perspective.
a. The "Boo Radley" game.
b. The gifts in the tree hole.
c. The burning of Miss Maudie's house.
Rough copies due tomorrow. Hand in copy due on Monday November 28.

Portfolios returned.

7-C Review sheet for Unit One test worked on. Test rescheduled to Tues. Nov. 24

8-M Maps on Great Lakes and surrounding Areas handed in. Quiz on October Articles. Articles and questions for November assigned. Due Wed. Nov. 25

10-T Continued viewing The Mission

9-O Maps in Great Lakes and Surrounding Areas handed in. Quiz on October Articles. Articles and questions for November assigned. Due Wed. Nov. 25.

Monday, November 16, 2009

10-C Hand out on Imperialism given. Read/skim chapters 9 - 11 to complete the handout. Due for tomorrow.

8-I Current Events: Articles and questions assigned. Due for Tues. Nov. 24

7-C Map of Africa checked. Map of Asia started.

7-L Quiz on Europe. Map of Africa checked. Map of Asia assigned.

10-T Home-work check on Imperialism sheet. Started viewing the movie, The Mission.

Amnesty Youth: Worldbeat presentation is Wednesday afternoon.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

****If a student misses a test or quiz, it is put in the exam folder. The student must make arrangements to write on their return. If the test/quiz is not written, the student receives a zero.****

****Any handouts/worksheets that the student is not here to receive is put into a basket at the back of my classroom with the students name on it. It is the students responsibility to collect their handout or arrange for someone to collect it for them.****

C.E. 20 Brief notes given on The Council of Trent. Students assigned to read/skim chapters 8 and 9. Explain five reasons why people were discontent with the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. Due on Wed. Nov. 18.
Reminder: Creeds are due on Wednesday Nov. 18

10-T Current Events. Worksheet given on Imperialism. Chapters 9, 10 and 11 need to be read/skimmed to complete the worksheet. Due on Mon. Nov 16

8-I Quiz on History of Canadian Citizenship.
Notes given on Right and Responsibilities of Canadian citizens. Students created a list of ten of their personal rights.

10-C Test on Industrial Revolution

ELA 20 Character descriptions of Miss Maudie due. Discussion on Chapter 6. Chapter 7 read in class. Home-work: Read Chapter 8. Do questions on Chapter 7 and 8.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hist 10-C Notes and discussion on Section 4. Test tomorrow on The Industrial Revolution

Social 7C Answered and discussed the following questions:
Human-Environmental Interaction and Relationships. Give at least five examples for the following:
1. What are some tings for which humans depend on the environment?
2. What are some ways that human actions affect or alter the physical environment?
3. What are the consequences of those actions?
4. How does the environment affect the lifestyle of an individual?

History 10T After Current Events helped to set up for the Remembrance Day Service. THANK YOU!

Social 9 Entire school attended the Remembrance Day Service

Social 8M Quiz on History of Canadian Citizenship. If you missed the quiz, it is in the exam folder and must be written on your return to school. If you do not make arrangements to write your quiz, you will earn yourself a zero.

Friday, November 6, 2009

8-I Continued going through handout "Brief History of Canadian Citizenship". Quiz on handout on Tuesday Nov. 10

10-C Notes on previous nights home-work. Home-work: Read and do questions on Section 4. Test on the Industrial Revolution on Tuesday Nov. 10

C.E 20 Handout on different examples of creeds. Assignment: Create your own creed. Good copy due on Wednesday Nov. 18

8-M Went through the handout "Brief History of Canadian Citizenship". Quiz on handout on Monday Nov. 9

9-O Kennedy and Karlee's presentation. Began Unit Two: The Past. Notes given. Readings in text book (pages 21-25) Home-work answer the first bullet point on page 25.

7-L Notes and discussion on previous day's questions. Review sheet handed out. It is not for home-work, but students can get started on it if they wish. Test on Unit One: Location on Thursday Nov. 19.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

ELA 20: Discussion and notes on the children's interaction with Boo Radley. Discussion on purpose of Miss Maudie's character. ASSIGNMENT: Create a character description of Miss Maudie using the character guide at the front of the study questions. Due on Tues. Nov. 10. H.W: Read and do questions for chapter 6

10-T: Test written on Industrial Revolution. If you were absent, the test is in the exam folder. As soon as you return to school, see me to reschedule your test. If you do not see me and do not write your test on your return you will be given a zero.

C.E 20: Discussion on aspects of the Nicene Creed.

7-L: Discussion and notes on the agents of erosion. The following questions need to be answered for home-work:
Human- Environmental Interaction and Relationships.
Answer the following in complete sentences. Try to give about five examples for each.
1. What are some things for which humans depend on the environment?
2. What are some ways that human actions affect or alter the physical environment?
3. What are some consequences of those actions?
4. How does the environment affect the lifestyle of an individual?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Amnesty Youth: The presentation from Worldbeat that was scheduled for tomorrow is cancelled. The presenter is ill. We will reschedule.
History 10-C--Went over questions from Section 2. Home-work: Section 3. Read and do questions (IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!) Test on The Industrial Revolution on Monday November 9.

English 11-K Notes and discussion on Scout's first day of school. Characteristics of Atticus. Read Chapter 4. Home-work: Read and do questions up to Chapter 5.

Social 7-C Notes and handout on Topographical changes

Social 8-M Maps handed out. Maps and quiz on the next Day 6.

Hist 10-T Notes given on Section 4. Test on Industrial Revolution tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

8-I Current Events: Quiz given; maps handed in; create a political cartoon from one of the eight previously read articles.
10-T Notes given on section 3. Home-work: read and do questions for section 4
10-C Notes given. Home-work: Section 2 read and do section review questions.
Grade 7-C Quiz on Europe. Assigned map of Africa for next day 5

Tuesday November 3, 2009

7-L Checked map of Europe. Map of Africa and quiz on Europe due next Day 5


First entry: Get smarter.